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We have the joy to present this new blog book: "New Testament Survey - The Gospel of Life Spread in the First Century" by Eddy Lanz. This is from the preface: "In the fall semester of 2015 and the spring semester of 2016 I taught ”New Testament Survey” at the Zarephath Bible Seminary (ZBS) in Rawalpindi. For me it was a great joy to go back to my files from the time when I taught the same subject at the Missionshaus Bibleschule Wiedenest in Germany from 1987 to 1998. Of course I had to update some things and look into others anew. This book ... is dedicated to my Pakistani students who inspired me to put things into writing for them to enjoy even if it is far from perfect.

The New Testament is a great treasure, it is the gospel of life, given by God’s inspiration in the first century and ever spreading since then. It is a joy to study and to teach it. Jesus Christ the central hero of the New Testament is outstanding. He is unique ... May this book  encourage people to study the books of the New Testament, appreciate its contents and worship its hero."

The book can be downloaded here (pdf 1.1 MB).